Monday, January 11, 2010

What's your workout?

So what do you do to workout?


  1. I joined 24 Hour Fitness in October. It is the location in Sugar House and I like it because it is close and easy. I enjoy having access to lots of different equipment to be able to mix up my work out and there is a pool. I have recently made friends with the Elliptical Machine.

  2. I'm to cheap to pay for a gym, so I do workout video in my living room. They are a killer. I use the Jillian Micheals, wow. I've also started the 100 push up challenge, if you google it you'll see it. (I can only do girl push ups :)

  3. Today my workout was almost two hours of breaking-up ice from my drive way. Usually I use Wii Fit, and a Bowflex for my work outs.

    Okay Sheryl, I looked up the push-up challenge and it seems pretty neat. However on that same page it had a 200 sit up challenge. I want to do one of the two but am having a hard time deciding which of the two would be beneficial.

  4. I actually had time for a 40 minute walk between classes today. Didn't expect that so it was really nice. I like running, but also, I get bored easily, so sometimes I just get out the hula hoop and dance music and just party in the living room with my son. He loves it, and it is a great de-stresser. (and no one but him will ever see my dance moves)

  5. I do turbo jam because it makes my little one dance while I workout. Makes it so much easier.

  6. Because of the really bad air quality in Davis County during this time of year, I try to do all of my workouts inside. Usually though I probably would be out walking in the beautiful outdoors!
    As for inside workouts, I like exercise videos such as TaeBo or Richard Simmons...yes the Afro guy with super short shorts...I like his videos because there are real people exercising with him, trying to loose real weight--like 300 pound women for example. That helps keep me motivated...because if they can do it, surely I can do it!
    The thing I love to do most though is just to turn on some music and move! I use moves from the videos as well as my own or dances I have learned from other places. I just make sure that I am getting up to my target heart rate for at least 20-30 mins and all is well! I also like to mix in some sort of weight training into it, as well as sit ups, push ups, leg lifts and that sort of stuff to strengthen me.

  7. I was just ok-ed for power walking as far as exercise goes. I have some kind of foot issue. Other than that I love dancing with my kids. I need to get better at working out though which is really why im here.

  8. I have a few work out videos I downloaded from exercise tv. ( Also, I do Wii Fit and I try (try being the key word) to do 100 crunches a day, at least 25 of them with weights.
    I want to do more walking but it is toooooo cold and the air is toooo yucky! Spring time... so excited!
