Sunday, January 10, 2010

On your mark, get set, GO!

Today is our first day! So exciting I hope you all have a great week and work hard! Remember we're all here for each other so post your questions and comments and helpful hints!


  1. Question: I see two different rules for scripture points. One says you get points for doing it, but then on the rules list, it says not to worry about that. I don't read scriptures anyway, but what if everyone else is and I am missing points???? I need clarification to feel better.

    See, I told you I get competitive.

  2. Sorry about the confussion. We're really just going off the chart, so we'll do points for scriptures. I say as long as it's not textbooks that are being read, just read something that increases your knowledge. Read something that makes you a better person.....improving yourself knowledge wise.
