Friday, January 8, 2010

Just to Clarify

*We start this challenge on January 10, 2010 which is a Sunday and we'll end on end on March 6, 2010 which is a Saturday.

*Each week, on Saturday, please post a comment under week 1,stating the following information:

Week lbs lost:
Total lost:
Week inches lost:
Total lost:
Week points:
Total points:

for example let's say this was my first week:

Week lbs lost:0
Total lost: 0
Week inches lost:0
Total lost:0
Week points:385
Total points:385

(Total points/total lbs lost/total inches lost: this is your running total, make sure these are accurate. You should add your previous week's total to your current week to get this number)

*Your comment must be posted by 11:59 pm every Saturday. If not then minus 10 points for it being late.

Questions regarding the chart:
-Ignore the Team Name (technically we are all on the same team, even though their are two due to the location of everyone)
-On the point tally side of the chart ignore NO SHOW but you should deduct points for 3 days or less of exercise
-As far as the measurments, I recommend instead of measuring your waist to measure your stomach. Because, honestly you can find any pants/skirts that you wear at you waist. This is your choice here but I think losing inches on your stomach will be a greater number
-Also ingnore the rules regarding teams (which is the handout that was behind the chart)

*Feel free to make any post at any time, this is your blog! You can ask whatever you want or tell us what is working for you. We are all in this together.

*Please keep in mind a goal you think we should all have. This can be a goal for all of us to earn x number of points or x number of pounds. Once we start this on Sunday and we know how many people are doing this, let's make a goal. What are your thoughts of what the winner should get? Is the satification of losing weight good enough? What's your thoughts?

I hope this clarifies some questions. Let us know if you have any other thoughts!

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