Friday, January 15, 2010


So we've had a couple people drop from the group, which is really sad to hear. I just want to let you know no one is perfect. All of us have our flaws even pertaining to this challenge. Some find it hard to keep tally of their points. Some find like drinking all this water is impossible for their body. Some will find that eating all the fruits and vegetables in a day are really hard, especially when you don't get to eat the food you want because your full. (Or maybe that one is just me.)

Just this last Sunday in church this guy gave a wonderful talk. It was based on setting goal's that are reachable. For example you've never run a race in your life. You can't just sign up and run a need to work up to it. He also gave the example of reading your scriptures. If you haven't ever finished reading your scriptures, don't make a goal of reading the entire book within six months. If you never read them before this goal would almost be unreachable. Perhaps a better goal would be to read a couple versus a night for your scriputre study.

So what I'm trying to get at, don't be discouraged! If this chart seems overwhelming, just use it as a guidline. Perhaps your main focus is only to lose weight, great, focus in on that. Perhaps your at your goal weight and you want to foucs on healthy get where I'm going with this, right?

Please don't give up! We are only one week in, seven more to go! Let's do this!

1 comment:

  1. Very encouraging! Thanks- I have to admit, I was surprised at all the fruits and vegetables I eat on a regular basis, but I STILL haven't been able to drink 8 glasses of water in a day. Six is the best I've done.(and I still spend half my time going to the bathroom) But I have to admit, I have drunk waaaay more water this week than I have in a long time.

    This challenge has been really good for me. There have been a lot of stressful events in our family that have popped up in the last two weeks, but instead of having this challenge be one more stress, its actually been a good distraction. Its almost a way to just turn off my mind to the worries in life that I can't change and focus on getting 35 minutes of exercise, or eating an apple or a carrot.- and of course, getting that one more drink of water in.
