Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello there!

This is Sheryl Nielsen! I'm so excited for this challenge just to let you know! Even though I have more than 10 pounds to loss everyone needs a starting off point. This challenge is going to be quite fun, since we have people from all over the country participating in this.

I thought it would be nice if everyone can just tell about themselves, whatever you want to share.

I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm currently going to school at SLCC. My major is American Sign Language, I hope to become an interpreter someday. I am married to my wonderful husband, Tom. This last Oct. he joined the Navy. He is currently doing his technical training and will be back around March. We have been married for 3 years this coming June.

So that's a little about me, let's hear about you!


  1. My name is Vanessa Sthole. I live in Mary Esther, Fl. I have a wonderful family: My husband Ian, My three year old Abigial and my 9month old Lorelei. I definatly have more than ten to loose haha since I gained upwards of 80 during my last pregnancy. My husband is in the AirForce and is currently in Afg. so I have until April to transform my body into something unrecognizable!

  2. My name is Heidi. I live in Pocatello, ID. I have a wonderful husband and a 4 month old little boy! I will say that being pregnant and all that comes with it has put my body through the ringer. I have never felt so out of shape in all my life! I would love to fit into my old pre pregnant clothes - that's my first goal. I have to find some way to keep up with my husband and all the sports he does (triathlons, cross country skiing, hiking/hunting, you name it) hopefully this will help - second goal. I NEED my back pain to go away - third and most important goal. (I think that losing weight and strengthening my muscles will definitely help.) Lastly, being a stay at home mom is great and I’d never change it for the world, but I need a project and here it is :D

  3. My name is Emily. I live in Leamington, UT. I just got married this past year and love it! I currently am unemployed, but looking for job. I need something to keep me busy and I thought this would be something fun and rewarding. I feel like I could lose some weight and get healthier and this seems like a fun way to do it.

  4. My name is Inger-Lis LeVitre. I live in Salem Oregon- (40 minutes south of Portland) and love it out here on the Pacific Northwest! I have been married for 5 years come May and we have a 3 year old named James. I work in high schools and colleges transcribing for Deaf students and then I tutor after school hours.

    Right after I got married, I promptly gained 50 pounds and have been trying to lose it ever since. This is the year folks!! I also want to start running again and maybe do a 5K this spring, so I will keep you posted on that. I am not sure if my body can handle that anymore . . . but I remain cautiously optimistic.

  5. Hi my name is Sarah. I am trying to loose 20 some -odd pounds right now, and this I thought would be a help to me...a motivation. I live in Bountiful Utah and I am hoping to get my mission call withing the next 2 months. Life is great! i have already lost about 11 pounds and am feeling great!

  6. It's so excited that we're all over the country! This is going to be great! Sarah congratulations on waiting for the call! My friend just got hers yesterday and she said the hardest part was the wait!

  7. Hi my name is Brooke. I live in Utah. I've been married to my wonderful husband Brad for 2 years. We have a little redheaded girl that I love hanging out with all day. I want to loose 20 pounds so I can plan my next pregnancy and avoid the complications I had with my first. I'm super excited to start this, I think its a wonderful idea.

  8. My name is Liz, my husband Matt and I live in Las Vegas with our 4 month old son. I'm not looking to lose weight, but I do enjoy working out and enjoy these goal/group challenge things.

  9. My name is Jamie, I live in Layton Utah. I am currently getting ready to leave on an LDS mission to Philadelphia. I will be able to post until February 6th, then Sheryl will post my info for me. I enter the MTC February 10th but would love to keep participating.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My name is Corie, I live in Bountiful Utah. I have been married to my awesome husband Scott 19 years this month. We have an 18 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. My goal this year is to loose some weight before my son leaves for his mission in June. Im excited that Sheryl invited me to join this team, I think this is a great way to get me started.

  12. Mi nombre es Brittney. Soy de Las Vegas NV pero Vivo en SLC. hola todo! soy muy emocionado para la programa pero eceptico tambien. Mi objetivo es de ser 135 cerca de Mayo. :) BUENA SUERTE.

  13. Hi!
    My name is Stephanie Stanger and I am so excited about this! I am living in Logan and just working. I graduated in December and so I will hopefully have some time to take care of me now that I am not a full time student. I think my boyfriend, BJ, will be joining with us too. He may or may not post... I still have yet to tell him that it starts today. Anyway, good luck to all of you out there. I'm excited to get into shape... and one that isn't round!

  14. Hi, I'm Sherry. I lived in Utah for most of my life, but recently moved to Florida. I'm an author and I teach writing classes online, so I work at home all day. There are lots of perks that come with working at home, but staying in shape isn't one of them. I'm excited to get myself in gear! Vanessa (who posted earlier) is my daughter and my other daughter (Valerie) is joining us too, I think. Heidi (who also posted earlier) is my niece, and I'm excited that we're all here together. I look forward to getting to know the rest of you.

  15. Hi! I'm Ann Elizabeth (or AE) I live in Navarre, Fl. Vanessa invited me to join this group. I have a ton of weight to lose as I have just been packing on the pounds since having my kids. I also had ankle surgery in August and haven't been able to exercise so that hasn't helped. I am easing back into it.
    I have 2 kids (Hadley-4, and Grayson-3) and a husband (BJ, that could get confusing Stephanie!). Good luck everyone!
