Thursday, January 7, 2010


Welcome everyone! I'm so excited for this!

I do want to make a couple of notes.

We have two team heads. Sheryl and myself, Vanessa. We have a few different rules for our teams and different perks as well. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Just because we have two teams does not mean we are competing against each other, we're here to modivate each other and cheer each other on! Our goal is that everyone looses at least 10lbs by the end of this experience!

Some of the point system has been changed since there are different religions participating. But nothing has been added or taken away, we all still have the chance to get the same points as anyone else.

Everyone reports here weekly, by 11:59 Saturday night. If you fail to report Saturday but remember Sunday, you get 10 points taken off your weekly earnings.

This is going to be great!

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