Saturday, January 23, 2010

Does everyone use a digital scale? I don't have a digital one, I opted for the ten dollar version. So I know I am losing weight, but the little lines are too far away for me to really see. I am just making my best guess.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lighter than ever

So out of the 12 people that posted, so far our group has lost 15.7 pounds! Good job everyone. I'm sure more people will be posting later this week.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week 1...Liz

For some reason my comments aren't posting anymore, so I'll have to put my points here.
Week lbs lost: 2 (my weight does fluctuate a lot, but I'm not sure how accurate this one is)
Total lost: 0
Week inches lost: +3 (once again, I lost two pounds but gained three inches? I must have done something wrong!)
Total lost: 0
Week points: 291 (didn't include points for inches or pounds since they seem a little off)
Total points: 291

I see my sister has me beat by a few points, I'm anxious to see how everyone else did! Like I said at the beginning, I'm not looking to lose weight, so I'm not too concerned about my goofy numbers right now.


Today is our first week! Congrats everyone for making it this far. Didn't get the numbers you wanted, don't worry you have 7 more weeks to improve! Please post your scores/tally's under the post that's titled "Week ONE". (You mave have to scroll to the older post, to get there)

Reminder: If you by chance forget to post your score by Januray 16 at 11:59 pm, don't stress about it. Simply minus 10 points from your total, whenever your able to post.

I'm sure everyone is curious how everyone else is doing, so let's get it posted!

Get your Five Fruits and vegetables

Disclaimer: I don't eat plain raw vegetables. I just won't do it. Salads must have salad dressing and something non vegetative to make it interesting, carrots and any other crudite type things must be dipped in ranch.

That said, I really try hard to incorporate a lot of fruits and vegetables through out my day- they are SO good for your body. The fiber in them helps you feel fuller, longer, and helps clean out your system. The vitamins you can get out of unprocessed, unrefined fruits and vegetables are just incomparable. And eating them makes you feel great!

I've spent the last ten years trying to find fun and painless ways to incorporate them into my diet- because after a six months of eating nothing but oatmeal, oreos, and milk when I was a freshman in college, I realized I needed to develop some healthier habits. I am also a recovering vegetarian. (The more you eat veggies, the more you will crave them actually)

I love to cook and experiment with food but I work most of the day,I am super cheap, and I hate cleaning up big kitchen messes. So everything I am about to tell you is cheap, fast, and tasty (because I am kind of a picky eater too).

It's winter right now, so it is a little harder to come by fresh fruits and vegetables. I am mostly eating root veggies and frozen varieties, as well as apples, bananas and oranges, and the occasional handful of frozen blueberries.

I typically throw a fruit or vegetable into every meal I eat, starting with breakfast:

1. Toast with peanut butter and bananas sliced on top. I really like this because it is filling, and I have a hard time eating a whole banana plain. Its also easy to eat while I drive. Not that I EVER do that.

2. Another easy in the car breakfast is something my mom showed me. You can make a slim fast type smoothie for super cheap, and super filling. Blend one banana, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon Beneful (a fiber supplement found by the ex lax), nestle quik reduced sugar, and a couple tablespoons of powdered milk (it adds extra protein). You can play with the ratios according to your own taste, but the beneful makes you feel fuller longer, the milk gives you protein, and the nestle quik gives a yummy, low sugar flavor along with vitamins. This also makes a great snack.

3. In the winter, I usually eat oatmeal I make the night before- I just put about 3/4 cup oats and about 1/2 cup milk in a bowl, add some frozen blueberries or cut up apples to it, and a little sugar or honey. I let it sit in the fridge overnight, and then nuke it for a minute in the morning. This makes it warm, but not having a soggy oatmeal texture. Its more like eating soft granola. I also like to add a handful of raw sunflower seeds for extra crunch.

Lunch usually includes granny smith apples dipped in peanut butter. My husband finds it funny that I keep buying granny smith apples- because they are really too tart to eat plain, but I love to eat them paired with cheese or peanut butter. And they taste spectacular when cooked.

If I make a sandwich, I try to include some fresh spinach (because iceberg lettuce really has the nutritional value, of well, an iceberg).

Dinner is where I get more veggies in. I also try to increase the amount I cook so I will have leftovers for lunch the next day. One of my favorites is roasted sweet potatoes (the orange kind) One large sweet potato can feed my family of 2 1/2 people. Sweet potatoes have more vitamins in them than regular potatoes, and they are sweet. Which is really why I like them.

Recipe is as follows:

1 large sweet potato, peeled and cut into 1 inch chunks.
1 tbl olive oil or canola oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbl honey or brown sugar, or maple syrup
some lemon juice (about 2 tsp or so)
(I also sprinkle some nutmeg over the top, but that is entirely optional. I just love nutmeg on everything)

Preheat oven to 425.
I put the honey and oil in a large ziploc bag and mix them together. Then I toss the potatoes in, close the bag, and shake it up to get them all good and mixed together.

Put the potatoes in a glass or metal pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste, and sprinkle some lemon juice over the top. Cover with tinfoil, and let roast for about 45 minutes, stirring a couple times if needed (if some of your potatoes are cooking faster than the others)

Potatoes are done when largest slices are soft in the middle. This is where cutting them up into a uniform size is really helpful. Smaller chunks cook faster, but too small turns into mashed potato really fast.

Phew, this turned into a really long post. But I hope you all find it helpful and I will probably try to post a recipe frequently. I think up next is leek and butternut squash soup by Martha Stewart. It is divinely yummy.

Friday, January 15, 2010


So we've had a couple people drop from the group, which is really sad to hear. I just want to let you know no one is perfect. All of us have our flaws even pertaining to this challenge. Some find it hard to keep tally of their points. Some find like drinking all this water is impossible for their body. Some will find that eating all the fruits and vegetables in a day are really hard, especially when you don't get to eat the food you want because your full. (Or maybe that one is just me.)

Just this last Sunday in church this guy gave a wonderful talk. It was based on setting goal's that are reachable. For example you've never run a race in your life. You can't just sign up and run a need to work up to it. He also gave the example of reading your scriptures. If you haven't ever finished reading your scriptures, don't make a goal of reading the entire book within six months. If you never read them before this goal would almost be unreachable. Perhaps a better goal would be to read a couple versus a night for your scriputre study.

So what I'm trying to get at, don't be discouraged! If this chart seems overwhelming, just use it as a guidline. Perhaps your main focus is only to lose weight, great, focus in on that. Perhaps your at your goal weight and you want to foucs on healthy get where I'm going with this, right?

Please don't give up! We are only one week in, seven more to go! Let's do this!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

To all of you: I'm sorry

To all of you – I’m sorry. I have to opt out of this challenge right now. I have been stressed out about this since I was emailed the rules and the requirements. I have tried to figure out how to make it work in my life right now once I realized that it not only had the weight lose goal portion, but a religious element to it too, and I just can’t work it all in. I have to work in “baby steps” and trying to make two huge life changes all at once is just too much for me. I don’t like to do things half way and I feel that I would be failing at something I need to feel good about (something I can accomplish). So good luck to you all – I wish you the best of luck. I will be tackling my weight lose in my own way with the wonderful support of my husband behind me.

Weighing In

So I was curious how often everyone weighs themseleves during the week. I've made it a goal to only weigh myself on Saturdays. I can't handle the emotion of seeing my weight go up.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

On your mark, get set, GO!

Today is our first day! So exciting I hope you all have a great week and work hard! Remember we're all here for each other so post your questions and comments and helpful hints!


For the 5 cups of fruit/veggies, does drinking juice count on that? Like if it's the Simply Apple that is 100% apple juice?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Week ONE (due on January 16)

Just to Clarify

*We start this challenge on January 10, 2010 which is a Sunday and we'll end on end on March 6, 2010 which is a Saturday.

*Each week, on Saturday, please post a comment under week 1,stating the following information:

Week lbs lost:
Total lost:
Week inches lost:
Total lost:
Week points:
Total points:

for example let's say this was my first week:

Week lbs lost:0
Total lost: 0
Week inches lost:0
Total lost:0
Week points:385
Total points:385

(Total points/total lbs lost/total inches lost: this is your running total, make sure these are accurate. You should add your previous week's total to your current week to get this number)

*Your comment must be posted by 11:59 pm every Saturday. If not then minus 10 points for it being late.

Questions regarding the chart:
-Ignore the Team Name (technically we are all on the same team, even though their are two due to the location of everyone)
-On the point tally side of the chart ignore NO SHOW but you should deduct points for 3 days or less of exercise
-As far as the measurments, I recommend instead of measuring your waist to measure your stomach. Because, honestly you can find any pants/skirts that you wear at you waist. This is your choice here but I think losing inches on your stomach will be a greater number
-Also ingnore the rules regarding teams (which is the handout that was behind the chart)

*Feel free to make any post at any time, this is your blog! You can ask whatever you want or tell us what is working for you. We are all in this together.

*Please keep in mind a goal you think we should all have. This can be a goal for all of us to earn x number of points or x number of pounds. Once we start this on Sunday and we know how many people are doing this, let's make a goal. What are your thoughts of what the winner should get? Is the satification of losing weight good enough? What's your thoughts?

I hope this clarifies some questions. Let us know if you have any other thoughts!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello there!

This is Sheryl Nielsen! I'm so excited for this challenge just to let you know! Even though I have more than 10 pounds to loss everyone needs a starting off point. This challenge is going to be quite fun, since we have people from all over the country participating in this.

I thought it would be nice if everyone can just tell about themselves, whatever you want to share.

I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm currently going to school at SLCC. My major is American Sign Language, I hope to become an interpreter someday. I am married to my wonderful husband, Tom. This last Oct. he joined the Navy. He is currently doing his technical training and will be back around March. We have been married for 3 years this coming June.

So that's a little about me, let's hear about you!


Welcome everyone! I'm so excited for this!

I do want to make a couple of notes.

We have two team heads. Sheryl and myself, Vanessa. We have a few different rules for our teams and different perks as well. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Just because we have two teams does not mean we are competing against each other, we're here to modivate each other and cheer each other on! Our goal is that everyone looses at least 10lbs by the end of this experience!

Some of the point system has been changed since there are different religions participating. But nothing has been added or taken away, we all still have the chance to get the same points as anyone else.

Everyone reports here weekly, by 11:59 Saturday night. If you fail to report Saturday but remember Sunday, you get 10 points taken off your weekly earnings.

This is going to be great!